Delete Confirmation

June 3 2000
Lisa Loder
from San Jose, Ca

Dear Dr. Belton- I saw the CD in your office when we came for our appointment this week. I went to Missy's website and was touched by the beautiful pictures and the beautiful words. It means so much to us to have such a caring doctor and to know that our Christian values are shared with the man who will care for my health. As the date draws near for us to finally have our first child the love that you showed for Missy touches me and makes me so thankful to God for giving us this wonderful blessing. When we lost our unborn child last December 99 your compassion for how I was feeling was awesome. I know that my child will be watched by Missy and they will both watch over this child that I am carrying. Thank you for your kindness and your website. Even though I am over most of the pain of my loss last year there are times when I do miss my first child and it does make my heart ache but seeing your website gives me the inspiration and the faith to look forward to the future.

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