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Feb 5th 2002 at 10:25:25 PM
from Montreal,Canada

hi,I too came across this site by accident.I was looking for a sad song and I was given this.I am soo sorry about your lost, and I wanted to tell you that it was the most beautiful thing I have ever seen someone do for someone else. I had chills running down my spine as I was reading it.I was sad about something so stupid before I read it and it made me realise that life is so precious and that time should not be wasted, and that we should not take our loved ones for granted. The site helped me out a great deal and has taught me a very important lesson. Missy was very beautiful.Im only 19 years old and I cannot imagine anyone dying so young, she had her whole life ahead of her.It is so incredibly unfortunate.I am very sorry for your loss.

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